Thursday, July 19, 2012

Is the Genetic information Non-Discrimination Act Unconstitutional?

Kaiser Permanente - Is the Genetic information Non-Discrimination Act Unconstitutional?
The content is good quality and useful content, That is new is that you just never knew before that I know is that I actually have discovered. Prior to the unique. It is now near to enter destination Is the Genetic information Non-Discrimination Act Unconstitutional?. And the content related to Kaiser Permanente.

Do you know about - Is the Genetic information Non-Discrimination Act Unconstitutional?

Kaiser Permanente! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

We have all sorts of politically strict rules in our society, and we do this in an exertion to make it fair for all concerned. Yet, we often overlook true fairness as we take away benefits from one group and give them to other which is less-than-equal in reality. Yes, we call this Pc or political correctness, yet, if we stop and take a look at what we claim to stand for in our society and civilization, we may very well be going against the individual freedoms, and possession we believe in and hold as our doctrines.

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How is Is the Genetic information Non-Discrimination Act Unconstitutional?

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Kaiser Permanente.

It's surely a catch-22, and it is truly disturbing sometimes the things we do to individuals in the name of the base good. Then there are all the rational conundrums which exterior in the face of what we deem to be fair. We are all of policy "considered" to be equal under the law in the Us, but that doesn't mean we all came out of the womb equally endowed. What's that paramount quote; "We are all equal but some are more equal than others."

Okay so, let's discuss a bio-ethics request which bothers people. This one is about genetics and health insurance. health guarnatee strategies work because we deny genetic components of various diseases even though we know them to exist and even use this facts for diagnosis. We have empirical evidence, aka truth, that genetics play a huge part in human health, longevity, and susceptibility.

Not long ago, there was a rather inviting narrative in Mit Technology recapitulate published on the BioMedicine Page titled; "Massive project to Study the Link between Genetics and health - Kaiser Permanente has compiled the genetic and healing data of 100,000 of its members," by Emily Singer on July 26, 2011 which stated;

"Most health insurers are wary of genetics because, in most cases, it's not yet clear how a particular genetic dissimilarity influences an individual's health, or either it should influence their care. Kaiser Permente has fulfilled, the first phase of a huge project to compile genetic, medical, & environmental facts for 100,000 of its members. Researchers also analyzed the length of participants' telomeres & this represents the largest telomere study to date."

Okay so, we have a law that health providers and insurers cannot base their plans on genetics of the individual, which is good for person who has genetic predisposition manufacture them highly susceptible to various serious health conditions and diseases. But the first-rate genetic endowed person is penalized for being superior, which is also discrimination, after all why should they made to pay for guarnatee for something they don't need?

In a way this is a redistribution of wealth from one individual to other or the larger group, it's a penalty to the individual for no reason, which is the opposite of what we claim to stand for in America. Please reconsider all this.

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